On November 10, 2007, I had one of the most important days of my life... I married the love of my life, Reggie. It was a wonderful event, from start to finish. All my closest friends and family were there to witness it and wish us well. Not to mention, it was a non-stop party until about 6am!!!!
You would be amazed at how many people, THE DAY OF MY WEDDING, congratulated me and in the same breath asked me that annoying question, "So, when are you having kids?" Are you effin kiddin' me?! You may think I'm exaggerating, but trust me I'm not. I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm 31 and everyone has been waiting for me to start a family for so long, and once I got that marriage license they figured "all systems go." I don't think so, people.
Needless to say, 11 months later, this question has gotten more frequent and more annoying. From family to friends to co-workers, they all are wondering when I'm gonna get knocked up. Believe me, if they would carry the baby, take care of it, and provide for it, I would drop one right now!!! Ever heard of planning???
The fact that I work on Labor & Delivery makes it worse for sure. Believe me when I tell you these doctors and nurses I work with are on a constant pregnancy patrol. They wanna be the first to crack the case of a woman who hasn't yet revealed her pregnancy to the public. It's ridiculous. I say, "I'm Tired," they raise their eyebrows. Um, ever heard of a newlywed woman having late nights with her husband??? I tell them my stomach is bothering me, they smile at me. What? I couldn't have just had some bad Chinese? And I better not gain a pound or forget about it!
Look, whatever happened to enjoying your marriage for a while? You only get one time to enjoy the newlywed period, so I'm not going to waste it. I didn't get married so that I could immediately start having children and just because I'm in my 30's doesn't mean I'm going to rush into it just bc my so-called clock is "ticking." I got married for one reason only... I wanted to make the ultimate commitment to my best friend. Yes, children are in the picture, but just not now. So, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. Don't ask me again about children. I'm a happily married woman, so it won't be some scandalous secret when I become pregnant. I'll let you know, OK?
well, i consider myself officially checked! point taken. patrice baby watch 08 is heretoforth dismantled. :-)
Take your time Pat-Rice. Marriage aint easy to begin with and a baby only adds pressure. Enjoy your marriage and the freedom of doing stuff with your best friend. You'll know when it's right to add a little one
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